888 portal
The Lionsgate portal opening , we are receiving a higher frequency that is upgrading our spirit as well as the spirit of our Mother Earth.
Sirius is considered our Spiritual Sun, so the rising and return of Sirius every year from July 26 to August 12th was seen by ancient astrologers as the rebirth of our spirit energy and the spirit energy of the planet.. This high frequency is helping us to rebirth, our spiritual power,
opening intuition, aligning ourselves to our missions and creating new ideas,& partnerships.
This time is great to reset,take tome to meditate, write your inner feelings, your intentions, your manifestations.
Join me for special free ceremony meditation and sound healing on Saturday August 10th 11 am @ Soul Healing Holistic Center. Let us anchor the frequency to activate our heart , bring in abundance in all aspect of our life health , balance and harmony. Call or text (484)328 3288 or online Www.soulhealingholisticcenter.com
May the spirit be with you and your healing during these auspicious time.